I’m Anna Serra Cases, although many know me as Anna from Grow…

Since 2008 I have been the motor of the studio, but nothing would be possible without a good team of professionals with whom we work together on each project.

I studied graphic design in Barcelona, ​​at Elisava School and then I did a Master’s Degree in naming and branding.
I also attended dozens of workshops and training to specialize in the sector, in fact, they are still part of my day to day because I never stop training.
I am a restless soul!
However, I am not only trained as a student, in recent years I have also developed my vocation as a teacher and I am the one who teaches monographs to share my expertise.

Barcelona and London are the two cities of my life, where I studied and gained professional experience. And I am convinced that my journey would have been very different without the knowledge that these two cities gave me. After this, I decided to return to my hometown to start the two most important projects of my life: my family and Grow.

Those who know me know that my best skills are perseverance, order and knowing how to transform things into something truly beautiful.

From a very young age my outlook, my analysis and my vision have been those of a designer.
A vision that has been growing and evolving, and that is that designing, in addition to being my profession, is a way of seeing and living life. Those of you in similar professions will understand what I’m talking about! For me, design is also a way of transmitting values, of explaining stories, of giving value to effort and work.
It is a way to contribute to creating an easier, more beautiful and better world.

Do you think the same?


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